Cody does not want to take his $800 skis and boots with him on his trip to the States as he is worried about them getting stolen so I was wondering if he left them at grandma and grandpa's could you bring them when you come in Manitoba this summer? I am assuming you guys are coming? Let me know. Thanks. How is the trip going? Pam
Hi Spumoni, et al!
Great to hear from you! Hope you enjoyed a wonderful Easter. I'm happy to bring Cody's skiis and boots even if it means that there won't be any room for malt when we stop in Calgary but don't worry about me.! Not sre when Cora Lee has it in mind to leave for The Peg but I assume, whenever it is, that we will return to Vancouver after the September long weekend. She will give you a better idea once she gets up. She and Sarge are still sleeping! Flamin' and our hosts, Elly and Tony, are up and chatting as I scribe.
Been a busy trip ever since we left, particulary since we met Flamin' and Sarge and picked up our rental and started to move around the country. Only real negative aspect of trip is the fact that Cora Lee's toes are still slightly swollen so it is a long, long recovery process. Extended walking can be quite tiring. Still, has not hampered things unduly. Had a detailed message from Toshi yesterday so Coriandre is currently working on our itinerary for Japan. Believe she made first booking in Kyoto last night before we went out for dinner. Had planned to go to our host's favourite Greek spot, Hellenica's, but it was fully booked so we ate at the Bavarian Bier Cafe, another favourite, which had wonderful schnitzel, of course, and draught beer directly from Munich. I had two 300ml glasses, one a Hofbrau, the other a Paulaner lager, the hootch with the highest bitterness ratings, 28 IBU and 32 IBU, respectively, on the Beer Richter Scale!
Off to Brisbane this morning after breakfast, (back at Espresso Piccolo, see below), and then some beach time for Flamin' as she is determined to injure her left shoulder now tha the right one has recovered from the slam dunk she received on Tuesday! Will be in Brisbane with Claire and Greg until April 15th when we fly to Cairns. I assume Clarisse and Coat Hanger are safely back. How is your weather? Hello and Fondestos to everyone. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Bev and Kev!
Great to hear from you and simply wonderful that you will be coming to Vancouver! You are more than welcome to stay with us so we do hope you will do so! We are planning a trip to Winnipeg in August. Not sure, at this exact moment, when Cora Lee has it in mind to leave for Falcon Lake but I assume, whenever it is, that we will return to Vancouver after the September long weekend. Even if we are not at home when you arrive you must stay. Chloe will be there to let you in, etc. Just let us know what your tentative dates might be and we'll try to arrange our trip to fit with yours. We are very flexible about going to Winnipeg so it really isn't a big deal to make sure we will be home for most, if not all, of your visit.
Hope you enjoyed a wonderful Easter. Fondestos to everyone. We await news of your dates in Vancouver! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hola Patricio!
(I know I'm sort of "mixing metaphores" there ... but what the h---, it was
recently my birthday and I'm allowed, n'est-ce pas?) Speaking of, thanks for
the birthday greetings. It was a wonderful day for me as all I had to do was
get up and show up (and set the table in between). Speaking of the table, it
looked tres elegant as I had a new tablecloth, which is perfect with my good
Evesham china, and a lovely floral centerpiece courtesy of my "three
favourite Island ladies" (sisters-in-law Mary and Jane and neice Rosie) with
lots and lots of love. I meant to take a picture but didn't have time as
guests actually arrived at the appointed hour. Having JDP take care of
everything was a wonderful treat and the perfect birthday present as was
finally selling the Maxima. (I think Petey was not as elated as I on saying
good-bye as it was his car originally, but it is nice not to have to pay for
insurance, etc. for a third vehicle. Speaking of vehicles, I'm still loving
the LRL.
I enjoyed your recounting of your and Sarge's exploits on the bridge in
Sydney. Petey and I didn't do this escapade when we were there--neither one
of us is really much for heights. (Ballooning in Bruges doesn't count as a
height-oriented activity.) Ann Curry did the climb when she was in Oz lo
these many years and had some really great pics. It was seeing those (and
now reading your account) that made/makes us certain that we made the
correct choice in striking this off our to-do list.
Please give our best to Kathleen and Steve when you see them and (continue
to) enjoy your time Down Under.
Cheers for now and hugs to all, Lynnie XOXO
Hi Lurking Lynne and Jugos Dom Pedro!
No need for pictures with your wonderful description of the birthday table! Glad you are loving your LRL! I wonder if one was allowed to take cameras on climb when Ann did it as we couldn't do so.
Only real negative aspect of trip, to date, is the fact that Cora Lee's toes are still slightly swollen, aftermath of right foot surgery on December 19th, so it is a long, long recovery process. Extended walking can be quite tiring. Still, has not hampered things unduly.
Off to Brisbane this morning after breakfast, (back at Espresso Piccolo), and then some beach time for Flamin' as she is determined to injure her left shoulder now that the right one has recovered from the slam dunk she received on Tuesday! Walked down to beach while gang were enjoying second cups of tea and java to snap a few pics of surf. Waves were much like the "grandes" in Mexico when the wind was up. Water was 25 C so great for frolicing. I was caught by a small surge when I was walking back towards the shore, only up to my ankles, from behind. Soaked the bottom of my shorts and I was glad that I had my camera around my neck otherwise it might have been drenched if I'd had it dangling by strap from my hand!
Will be in Brisbane with Claire and Greg, friends of our hosts, Elly/Tony, here, until April 15th when we fly to Cairns for a little less than a week. Then on to Darwin for us, 10 days, about three nights in Kakadu in the middle of stay, F/S back to Vancouver. We will spend a week with Kathleen and Steve, after Darwin and before Japan. Will certainly pass along greetings and best wishes to them on your behalf. We arrived about 6:00pm, Easter Monday afternoon, after driving up from south end of Lake Macquarie where we had a most congenial lunch with Kathleen and Steve, (They flew from Melbourne for the Easter Long Weekend), and their friend Frederique, a GP doing a locum in Taree, about 100K north of Newcastle. Restaurant, Awaba House, in Booragul, was right next to Lake Macquarie City Art Gallery and had a remarkable exhibition, Life in Your Hands, art from solastalgia. I had never heard the term before and one learns that it was coined by Professor Glenn Albrecht, of the University of Newcastle, I believe, to describe the phenomenon of "homesickness you have when you haven't left home."
Fondestos to you both from everyone. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Greetings from Brisbane!
Where do you live?
Everyone, in some small sacred sanctuary of the self, is nuts. -Leo Rosten, author (1908-1997) Greetings from Brisbane!

Leaving Gold Coast tomorrow, heading to Brisbane
Hello again,
We are now in Zurich. We arrived here Monday afternoon after a
train trip from Salzburg. The journey thgrought the Alps was spectacular.
They have a lot of snow, and many of the stops along the way were to let
off or pick up skiers.
Checked into the St. Josef, an old hotel in the heart of Zurich.
Jo-Anne phoned her friend Dieter, and he came to the hotel to meet us.
We walked around the old town and down to the lake,
by which time Dieter's wife, Francesca, had finished
work and was able to meet up with us. We then went to
a nice restaurant for a traditional Swiss meal.
After dinner, we walked with them to the station and then
returned to the hotel.
Tuesday morning we got up, hade the hotel breakfast, and then helped get
Eric packed up and off to the train station. He caught the 11:34 TGV (a fast
French train) to Paris. Then we hopped on the 11:39 to Winterthur, the city
where Dieter lives.
Dieter met us at the station, and we walked to his place for lunch.
Afterwards, we hopped on another train and went with Dieter to the
Rhine Falls.
The Rhine River is very clear and clean at this point, and people swim
downriver from the
falls. We walked back along the Rhine to the next station, and then went back
to Winterthur. Dieter and Francesca had prepared a lovely supper for us,
paired with a really good Swiss wine.
While we were there, Dieter & Francesca's daughters showed up - first Sophie,
then LInda, and finally Merrit. They had all grown since we last saw them in
Vancouver, and they hadn`t forgotten English. Their oldest daughter had
actually attended Kitsilano High.
After dessert, Jo-Anne and I headed back to Zurich and our hotel.
This morning - Wewdnesday - was rainy and gloomy. Jo-Anne headed
off to the Institute with Dieter, and I wandered around the old town.
Lots of typical European winding narrow streets with interesting shops.
Didn't buy anything - prices here are high. Tomorrow will depend on the
weather. -Colin
Trip to Purling Brook outside of Gold Coast
Hi Tiptoe!
Sorry we didn't get to say hello and goodbye in Sydney! Thanks very much for bringing along our baggage. we will be back at the Goldsborough on May 1st so let us know if we can connect that evening.
Hi O Susannah and Champagne Charlie!
Trust life in Vanvouver goes swimmingly. All continues to go well with us.
Hi Gail and Jack!
Greetings from Brisbane! Trust life in Florida goes swimmingly.
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