What information consumes is rather obvious: it consumes the attention of its recipients. Hence a wealth of information creates a poverty of attention, and a need to allocate that attention efficiently among the overabundance of information sources that might consume it. -Herbert Alexander Simon, economist, Nobel laureate (1916-2001)
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Hector hectoring Paris. Helen is in the middle.
Art: Pierre Claude François Delorme
Glad to hear about Mom. Thanks for update. I do hope she makes as much of a recovery as is possible, of course. In any event, we have decided to continue with our trip as planned so we hope you are comfortable with this. I know you have already indicated that you can manage so appreciate you taking on the responsibility.
Hi Sarge!
Thanks for sending along suggestion for rental car to June. Don't know why I didn't think of that myself. Probably because I'm just not used to renting vehicles. Anyway, appreciate your effort, so thanks again.
We had a good flight from Darwin to Sydney on May 1st. Packed a picnic lunch as trip was about 4.5 hours in duration. We both had aisle seats with nobody next to us so it was quite comfortable. Didn't actually reach Oaks Goldsborough until about 8:40pm. Originally planned to take train to Central Station for $15.50 but saw a booth for shuttle bus which was only $16 right to hotel. Of course, took that option. Cora Lee bought the tickets while I went to the washroom and when I came back she said we could have saved $4 each if we had purchased a return. She hadn't done so as she said she thought that shuttle from Oaks G was free. I couldn't believe that this was the case so I asked the chap at the booth and he said he had never heard of any deal like that. Anyway, he exchanged tickets for return fare as we needed to get back next day for our flight to Melbin. Will do the same again, on May 10/11, now that we know what to do.
Almost as soon as we dropped our luggage off in our room, 1201, kitchen/laundry, not that we need either at this stage, almost the top floor, beneath Penthouse Level, even a living room with a two seat balcony, we walked back to Olivo and had another wonderful $35 Special. Cora Lee had the Shrimp appetizer, I chose the Calamari. Steak for Coriandre and Veal wrapped in prosciutto for me, glass of House Shiraz each. Isabella was working so we caught up with her, although she didn't recognize us at first. Guess she missed Flamin' and your handsome face! She is well and has started up a small import business, items from Turkey, of course. She showed us an example of the wares she is bringing in, a small, attractive bowl to be used as a candle holder. (She had sold over twenty to/at Olivo.) She offers such items at a number of local markets, Manly being one of them, on weekends, together with help from her boyfriend. Small table, vendor license fee and GST tax on goods sold and the rest is her profit. She is pleased with how things seem to be going so far. Corinne had the bright idea of suggesting metal skewers, with ornamental holders, similar to ones we'd brought back from Turkey ourselves, as she thought that they might be quite popular in Barbie Land. We have not seen them on offer here so unlike jewelry and pashminas, for example, which are sold everywhere, the skewers might be a good niche market. Anyway, it was fun to see her again and we will probably do so a week today when we return to Sydney for the night, before leaving for Japan the next day.
I sit on the plane typing this message right now, although I won’t send it
until I get an internet connection. On our way to Seoul, Korea and then
catch another plane to Honolulu. My co-worker and Travel companion Jerry and
I decided to split the flight up on the way home as the 21 hour flight on
the way was kind of tough. We are on a bit of a milk run and will lay over
in Waikiki for a day and a half to recoup before the final leg through LA,
San Fran. and then home on the night of the #3rd
Had a nice day at Surfers Paradise on the gold coast doing some swimming,
shopping and relaxing. then came back through Brisbane, stopped for dinner
and then on towards the airport by train stayed at the crappiest Motel of my
life as it was right beside the main highway of Brisbane and the room was
literally the size of a small walk in closet. we had a good laugh about it
and weren’t too concerned as we were only there to get some sleep before
catching the plane this morning. All in all things are going well, We’re
quite enjoying the Korean airlines flight we’re on as it is pretty
comfortable and the stewardesses are absolute dolls, actually looking like
those porcelain dolls with big smiles and so polite, quite charming!.
The work went well although we really had to stretch it out. There was not
that much for us to get done ,probably a total of three days work and we
managed to stretch that out over 20 days LOL! there was a lot of coffee
breaks and socializing, but hey they were very happy with everything we did
and that’s all that matters. Spent a lot of time in the evenings playing
cards and drinking the cheap beer and cocktails at the crew bar, that is
until some big drunk and belligerent Aussie shipyard worker got in a fight
with a contractor and had to be taken down by security, put in the brig and
then fired from the job the next day. The captain decided it would be in
everyone’s best interest to cut the bar off from there on in and the rest of
the crew were ready to mutiny!. Fortunately there was a little town called
Bulimba, about a five minute drive from the shipyard and we found some great
restaurants and bars to spend our time instead. The restaurants were
interesting because you were able to buy your drinks of choice at the bottle
shop and then bring it to a restaurant and have it with you dinner for a
$2.00 corkage charge per person.
Order was somewhat restored a couple days later when the Captain had a
change of heart and reopened the bar but with the stipulation that there was
a 4 drink maximum per contractor over the evening. Managing that policy was
chaotic in itself as the bartenders had a hard time keeping straight who had
had their quota and caused a bunch of tension. it was all over after a
couple more nights anyway.
We Left the ship yesterday morning only too happy to be off the “prison
ship” as some were calling it! LOL! It wasn’t so bad as the crew were very
nice and the food was good, and we got really lucky with the weather as it
only rained on the last day on the ship and we were done working outside at
that point. All in All a great experience but we’ll be happy to get back
The next day:
So hear I am, sitting in my Hotel room at the Marriot courtyard in Waikiki,
all would be well but unfortunately Jerry was unable to get on the plane to
Honolulu!. We were having a nice time on our layover in the airport speaking
very highly of the facility which rivals Vancouver and perhaps exceeds on
some levels, Not at the esthetic or artistic level although it is good in
that regard . But for sheer size and efficiancy . We were also marvelling at
the sheer size of the city which when flying in seemed to spread forever in
either direction, not realizing until later that Korea is the second largest
city in the world second only to Tokyo We were enjoying a couple of beers at
a small bar waiting to get on our plane and made our way to the gate with
some time to spare. as we got to the gate however and they scanned our
passports we sensed something was amiss, jerry’s passport flashed red on the
scanner and they pulled us aside. We were having a hard time understanding
the Korean flight crew but what got through was that they suspected jerry’s
passport was stolen or a fraud which is of course ridiculous as we have
travelled across the globe together and not had a problem, Apparently it was
US immigration that red flagged Jerry even though he has never had any
trouble with the law or US immigration before and has travelled through the
US many times. We were getting panicky as the last of the passengers went
through and we were the only ones left. The stress level rose as they
appeared to be telling us that Jerry was not going to be able to get on the
plane and we had to make a decision weather I would get on or not . Weighing
the situation we decided it best if I carried on as it was going to cost a
lot of extra money for both of us to stay behind and miss our flights and I
was not having issues with my passport, we also had the hotel booked in
Honolulu and figured I would carry on there and see if I could sort anything
out at that end.
it was with a heavy heart that I had to leave my friend behind to try and
sort out this dilema and follow me as soon as he could. Images of Midnight
express ensued as I boarded the plane and worried about what was going to
happen to my friend.
I’m still waiting for word now about 12 hours later,I will let you know what
Best regards. Al
P.S Sounds like all is well with you besides Corrine's foot, that is a pain! but
hopefully you'll give her a chance to get off of it and relax, instead of
being at your constant bidding, Hardly a wonder that she would be conspiring
to "take out the depraved False creek peleton! Keep us abreast of the
plunder down under! Take care , Al
Is this the break in the weather? I could ride at anytime. G
High Game Tournament 2012

Please consider entering this year’s event, to be held June 9th
at The Arbutus Club. Over the last five years, we have raised more than
$11,000 for the 2020 Fund, with all proceeds to benefit Junior Squash.
The attached poster gives all the information with salient details below:
- Saturday, June 9th – 1:00 to 5:00pm squash; 5:30 to 7:00 drinks and dinner.
- Entry fee - $25 (event) and a minimum $25 ‘donation’ (tax receipt available).
- minimum three ‘High Games’ (all shots above the service line). Entrants grouped by age and ability.
- Silent Auction – please consider donating an item and/or bidding on one.
Thanks to those who have already expressed interest (please re-confirm entry).
We hope to see you there!
Morley Jameson
Allan Brown
Hi Deborah!Trust you are well. Enjoyed your latest painting. Come to Australia and you'll fnd many, many plants that are far nastier than your rose bush!
Hi Croatia Chris and Dubrovnik Jim!
Trust you are well. Enjoyed your latest message. Sorry I've been tardy in replying. Guess you are readying yourselves for coming trip. Chloe and I certainly enjoyed our time in Croatia in 2007!
Hi Antiques Man, et al!
Trust you are well. Enjoyed your latest message blog entry Gander! I agree with Dana, quite a find, quite a story! Ruth, thanks for update on your busy lives. Sorry I've been tardy in replying. Guess you are all readying yourselves for coming relocations. Home moves goes as well as can be expected.
Fondestos and Cheers from Crocodile Patrizzio, wearing his green Crocs in the heart of Crocodile Country, Northern Territory!
Hi Zircon!
Trust you are well. Given number of visitors from overseas this summer, looks like we probably won't be driving to Falcon until after the Labour Day long weekend. Not unhappy with timing as it is still a pleasant time to travel, not as busy and, more importantly, no mossies!!! Will you be around? More details closer to time, of course.
Hi Kjell!
Glad to hear that portrait sitting went well with Bob. He did ask if Cora Lee and I were interested so do hope to sit once back. I vaguely remember coming across Stalker, one evening on late night TV, and being more than puzled and perplexed, let alone challenged, as you emphasize! How long will you be staying, once back in Vancouver? We plan a couple of weeks, or so, in Winnipeg/Falcon Lake, leaving after Labour Day. Quite a few other visitors before then otherwise Cora Lee wnated to leave mid-August, much like last year. Trust you are back in the swing of things by time this arives. At Gavle with the Lads?
Hi Outbackers Peletonians and Darwinians,
Sounds like all is well with you besides Corrine's foot, that is a pain! but
hopefully you'll give her a chance to get off of it and relax, instead of
being at your constant bidding, Hardly a wonder that she would be conspiring
to "take out" the depraved False creek peleton! Keep us abreast of the
plunder down under!
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