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SlĂ inte, Laphroaig Team
Dear Patrick,
Sorry for not being in touch for a while.
Had a pretty hectic last couple of weeks in Vancouver, and now I have
been back in Stockholm for two hours.
Went for a couple of bike rides with Jane (e.g. around
Agassiz/Harrison Hot Springs), which was nice, but look forward to
going with you when I'm back in the second half of August (20th, to be
Met with Robert Altwein after he came back from his South-East Asian
trip, e.g. to watch a really "CHALLENGING" movie, "Stalker" by Andrej
Tarkovskij. And he painted my portrait!! Very good. Be friendly to
him, and he might paint yours.
Now closer to the bed. Keep it up! Kjell
Gourmet Food Lovers Weekend in Darwin!

Hi guys, we are really jealous of all your wonderful adventures down in my neck of the woods. Just a short note to keep in mind if you are going to be in our around Manitoba on June 26th 2012 The Grays would be honored to have your company for Katelyn's Grad. She has mentioned on several occasions that she would love it if you could come, so have a look at your timetable and let me know if you could possible make it. Enjoy the rest of your holiday.
Greetings! I enjoyed the video you sent. Was it Wayne sitting at the table with you and tapping away on the iPad?
I noticed that Randy didn't reply to your question on our Dallas move. We closed on it last Monday. Anne, a friend from San Antonio, drove with me to spend this last weekend there. I had made an appointment with an interior designer for two hours, and the three of us got furniture, wall color and art work 90% nailed down! Anne and I also tried a restaurant Avanti just down the street and had a fabulous Italian meal. We then walked to a small theatre and saw a play Superior Donut. I was most appreciative of Anne's company while I laid there on the new air mattress in our new home, trying to get used to the new sounds of a strange new home!
We now have our home listed for sale. We have gotten the "guaranteed buyout offer" from AT&T and are happy to have it as a fall-back if we don't sell in three months, when AT&T will buy the house from us.
Tonight is the deadline for Miranda to decide whether to go to Univ of Texas law school, and she decided against it. She chose to enroll in UVa (Univ of Virginia) in a year (deferment already approved) and spend the next year working in Houston. She has gotten so close to her Rice friends that being able to stay in Houston is a major factor for her. Randy and I both decided that she deserves to take a year off because she will have a long road of hard work ahead of her -- 3 years of law school and many more years of laboring away in a law firm. So we are now excited about her decision. Between vacating our home in San Antonio (thank goodness that AT&T will have movers take care of packing, loading, unpacking, etc.) and setting up in Dallas when Randy comes home, we will have to help Miranda furnish an apartment in Houston that she will share with a good friend. Crazy time for us!
When do you head back home? Please say hi to Patrick for us. Haven't seen his journey in a while ... Take care! Ruth
Hi Jill!
Nice to be missed! Glad event went well. Busy time here in Darwin although pace not quite as hectic since ariving from Cairns this past Friday.
Hi Patrick and Corrine:
Wow what a holiday you are having, not sure where you are at
the moment but sounds like you are doing a lot.
We have booked our visit to Canada and is as follows, we will be
arriving in Vancouver from Toronto (visiting my family first) on
31st of August at 1:00pm, leaving Vancouver on the 13th of
September for Sydney.
We thank you for inviting us to stay with you, and we are looking
forward to seeing you both, if this is not convenient pls let us
know, if you are planning to be away we can try and make other
arrangements for accomodation.
Enjoy the rest of your holiday and take care of yourselves, Patrick
don't drink too much. Luv Bev and kevin
So it finally happened, Mags was desperate to walk the halls just after her supper as I was coming back from getting the mail, she didn't want to come in and I told her she better be careful, but of course the door opened and who came bounding in......Cody the poodle, they locked stares then Mags freaked and man was she fast, I opened the door and she bolted in, luckily Cody is a good dog and her dad called her sharply and she stayed put. But when I went in and saw Mags she looked pretty shaken up, I avoided touching her in case she ripped me too shreds like the time with Chris. And she has been MIA since, i think she needed to sleep off the trauma!!!
So things at home are exciting to say the least. I'm slowly getting better, still have a weird cough thing, but i did go see Grames, she was mostly napping but i held her hand and talked to her.
Ran into Sebastien, or rather he came in to the brewery, had a nice chat with him but he had some sad news, his mom has lymphoma and he said it's 50/50 on her chances. She is in her second round of chemo and has lost all her hair he said, but is keeping her sense of humor and laughing alot. So I hope the best for her and him, and gave him best wishes, felt weird though not to see each other anymore and hear something so sad about his life.
Cody left last weekend and while he was here I took him out and around quite a bit, he left a wee bit of a mess but he is 20!!!
Pam is here this week, had dinner with her Sunday and will see her again on Wednesday.
Still applying for jobs but nothing, starting to feel discouraged but will keep on keeping on, even revamped the whole thing with Gaelan's help and it looks quite good.
Have been going to Boys and Girls one day a week, am helping plan/organize a new race they are having in June so that's good experience and I feel like I am helping so it's worth it.
Dad a medical services plan invoice came for Grames it says she owes $22.40 by the 26th of this month. Do you need me to do anything for this??
Mom did you get the email for the doctor?
K love you both, hope your having a great time, got 7 postcards today, saving them all till your home as I can't read a thing!!!
Hugs and Kisses from me and Mags.
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