Hi Raymond and Sylvia, Christine and Jim!
Trust you are surviving, if barely, without Sylvia's guidance/tutelage/criticism, Raymondo! Shake and bake, rock and roll!!! Hope all goes well in Yorkshire, Sylvia. Fond regards to you both, Chris and Jim. Watch the latte intake, however!
Country life certainly agrees with me. I now spit on leaping out of bed before dawn, exercise a dim thing of the past! Lazy, lazy luxurious sleep-in until just before 8:00am. Into the kitchen to find The Sisterhood chatting, huddled around the fireplace. Bade them both goodmorning and then poured myself a steaming cup of Kathleen's heavenly brew and scribed away until Stefano appeared a little after 9:00am. Kathleen went back to her study and other two read newspapers until clsoe to 10:00am when Worker Bee emerged from her hive, annoucing that she was about to prepare breakfast. I signed off and accompanied her to the henhouse, at the edge of the back paddock, to feed chooks and collect any freshly laid eggs. Back to kitchen where Cora Lee chopped up the mushrooms, ham, tomatoes and parsley/chives from Kathleen's herb garden, Stefano on toast duty. Once the unbelieveable omelette was ready we sat down to enjoy the wonderful fare. For my part, I slathered home-made marmalade onto my slabs of home-made, toasted bread, Steve, The Wild Australian Boy, preferred Vegemite! More java/tea and back to home office for one unlucky soul, newspapers/books and email for others, until close to 1:00pm. At this point Kathleen emerged from her study and announced she needed a walk so we all bundled up and prepared to set off. Took car as trek locals had in mind was about ten minutes away.
When I composed this message, earlier today, I was being paged to go for the aforementioned walk, so tried to post it. Unfortunately Vodofone let me down and transmission was interrupted. Had to leave it, dismayed that some of this priceless paragraph would be lost. This was around 1:20pm. Back from walk, (Saw more than a dozen roos on a hillside, up above maintenance track paralleling the water race we were walking alongside, a number of hawks near the nest of a Wedge-Tailed Eagle and the corpse of a fox, recently killed, shot we assume, as it looked "undamaged" so probably was not run over. Poor thing had a magnifiicent tail and an endearing, quizzical look on its face, eyes open and puzzled. Hard to believe that it was not alive, almost a caricature of Wily B. Coyote after being pancaked by his arch-nemisis, Road-Runner. Beep Beep!), close to 3:30pm, it turned out that the message had been saved so I was very pleased indeed. Perhaps not so for my not so adoring Reading Public, however!
After walk, Steve and l took a look at one of the mountain bikes they own to make sure tires were inflated, Red-back Spiders swept from spokes and the King Browns uncoiled from under the saddle! Great rides on undulating country roads around here. Am hoping, at some point, to cycle into Bendigo and back, 50k round trip. Chain oiled, seat adjusted and spider webs brushed from helmet, I parked bike in workshed, ready for tomorrow, if weather permits. Few light showers when we were ambling. Kathleen stayed at home and we drove into Bendigo as Stefano had to pick up a government car. (As you will discover, should you read on, Dear Reader, he is presenting at a work related seminar in Geelong tomorrow morning so he had decided to drive there tonight so he wouldn't have to leave rather early to make the two hour commute in time for the 8:00am start. Whew!!!) We parked the car at Bendigo Market Place and Cora Lee and I did some grocery shopping for coming days ahead while Steve picked up the car at his office, a short walk away.
I drove their car back to Harcourt North after Steve met us back in mall parking lot. Far more traffic in Bendigo than we ever encountered in Darwin. However, my time on Arnhem Highway to Kakadu and Stuart Highway to Litchfield held me in good stead and we beat Steve home. Just unloaded groceries and Steve received a call from their neighbours, Myra and Ron, third generation orchardists, just up the road, inviting us round for drinks and appetizers. As soon as Stefano had packed his overnight bag we drove over to meet their close friends. Steve just popped in to say hello and goodbye and then he was off to Geelong. Lovely couple and we met another neighbour, Alan, from the opposite end of their road, a very interesting chap as well. Originally a heavy duty diesel mechanic, he ended up teaching at a TAFE and now works for SIP.BR, a Belgian palm oil company, with plantations in Papua New Guinea. He conducts training courses for indigenous workers to enable them to maintain the trucks which move the harvested palm nuts from the plantation to the processing plant. Simply fascinating to learn a bit about palm oil harvesting, processing and distribution, via tankers capable of carrying various edible oils, and life in Papua New Guinea. Alan works for about two months and then has about a month or more off before returning for next stint.
As I mentioned, Myra and Ron, are apple farmers and Ron's great-grandfather homesteaded on the land they still own, in 1840. Extremely friendly and welcoming, they insisted we return during our stay to pick as many of their apples as we wished after I had wondered aloud why we had bought apples at Safeway, earlier that day, when so much of the fruit is simply left on the trees, the market, unfortunately, being what it is. A complicated marketing issue, not unlike the one faced by orchardists in the Okanagan. Seizing the opportunity, I suggested that if Myra and Ron were serious then Cora Lee and I should consider putting up a U-Pick sign on the highway, not far from the orchards, and pay for our coming trip to Japan! For her part, Kathleen was more than keen to pick as she loves to make preserves and even as we spoke, had plans for apple sauce and even for drying the fruit. Thanking our gracious hosts for the lovely time, we said goodbye with threats of returning on the morrow or later on the coming weekend.
Back home to take a quick shower while The Sisterhood prepared dinner: spicy sausages, mashed potatoes, steamed broccoli and carrots. The Goils were watching a new BBC drama, Silk, featuring Adam of MI 5 and obsessive compulsive detective of Wake the Dead fame, when I joined them in the kitchen so I digitated until meal was ready and then we sat down to enjoy the scrumptious food and the fire's delicious warmth. Shortly before we finished eating another BBC programme started, a documentary on the life and career of Steve Jobs. Extremely well done and very interesting to follow the start and development of Apple. Furthermore, we had to chortle at seeing a small part of ourselves in the hippy life-style which characterized this wunderkind, which in many ways he embodied.
After the program ended Kathleen said goodnight, another conference call to deal with in the morning, Cora Lee repaired to her electric blanket to read and I to the sink to wash up. Dishes done, I decided to work on the Infernal Diaries for a bit even though I really wanted to read in bed, having found two more books by Peter Temple on Steve's bookshelves. Cora Lee snatched Shooting Star right out of my hands so I was left with In the Evil Day. Have only read part of the first chapter which introduces Con Niemand, an ex-mercenary, but the dark yarn has already grabbed me by the lapels, slammed me up against Steve's beer fridge, held my iPad hostage and laughed at the holes in my cycling underwear so it's time to say goodbye for now, Dear Reader! Ransome note to be included in next installment. Please read between the lines for coded message, written in invisible ink and send £1,000,000 sterling, cash only please, although almost worthless compared to the Aussie dollar, to the following numbered Swiss account: 604-734-9200! If the funds are not transferred withing the next 24 hours cane toads will start appearing in Robo Ray's vegetable garden!
To be continued...
Ray bailed yesterday as the hail pelted
his house mid morning. Don’t understand his concern.
Peloton has not been seen for months –
lost somewhere in the rain and fog or Hawaii.
Homeland security is getting dangerously
close to the inner circle.
Desperately seeking the Island Inn
keepers, W
Greetings to Hungerford Hector, Hannibal Lector and other rhymes without reason from Old Oak!

Hi Rhymester Extraordinaire!
Trust you are surviving, if barely, without the Peleton and Keepers of the Eternal, (or is that "Infernal"), Flame of the Island Inn Diaries. You are a purist, O Mighty Giggage, but I am weak of mind and spirit and have been seduced from The One True Path as country life certainly agrees with me. Cheers to you and your Goils. Hello to the Other Fallen Angels of the Lapsed Peleton!!!
![]() |
Green Papaya Salad |
Hello Fish-Face People!
Trust you are well, Bob, and that your latest show was a sucess. Heard from Kjell just after he was back in Stockholm and he mentioned he will return to Vancouver, mid-August, I believe. Gather he found Stalker a challenge..On our last night in Darwin, Monday, April 30th, we returned to the Deckchair Cinema to have dinner, at the Deckchair Cinema, (Great local spot, Hanuman, caters there and we had a fabulous meal at the restaurant itself, previous Tuesday night, before going to Kakadu.), and watch The Women on the 6th Floor, France, 2011, a delightfully moving story about six Spanish maids in Paris during the '60's. Highly recommend it for numerous reasons. Nothing to do with the charming film but right at the end there is a scene in which main male character is driving a red Corvair convertible. Mom had a government issue, (She worked for the Victorian Order of Nurses, at the time, and made house visits.), blue, two-door hard-top and I was so proud of the fact that our family had the first rear-engine car produced in North America. How desperately I wanted to be old enough to drive, not that I would have been allowed to use the vehicle, mind you. Still, I could only dream about zipping past the local burger hang-out, The Big Boy, on Portage Avenue, at the foot of Valour Road, near our neighbourhood, Isaac Brock Community Centre, to impreess the Grade 9 girls in my class I secretly lusted after with their pony tails, their tight, fuzzy sweaters, bobby sox and penny loafers! No longer would I be the "nerd" of my home room, (I was elected by my fellow classmates to lay the memorial wreath at the plaque on Valour Road, (renamed from XXX after three soldiers living on the street were awarded the posthumous medal, the Victoria Cross), basically because nobody else really wanted to do it!), one cold, just about to snow, Remembrance Day, but rather either of the dashing young men, (At this point in my fantasy I realy didn't care which one!), from Route 66. My Corvair was not a Corvette but this was Winnipeg, after all, not Santa Monica or Santa Fe, magical names, wonderlands of possibility and excitement.
If the funds are not transferred within the next 24 hours cane toads will start appearing in New West! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Trust you are well, Bob, and that your latest show was a sucess. Heard from Kjell just after he was back in Stockholm and he mentioned he will return to Vancouver, mid-August, I believe. Gather he found Stalker a challenge..On our last night in Darwin, Monday, April 30th, we returned to the Deckchair Cinema to have dinner, at the Deckchair Cinema, (Great local spot, Hanuman, caters there and we had a fabulous meal at the restaurant itself, previous Tuesday night, before going to Kakadu.), and watch The Women on the 6th Floor, France, 2011, a delightfully moving story about six Spanish maids in Paris during the '60's. Highly recommend it for numerous reasons. Nothing to do with the charming film but right at the end there is a scene in which main male character is driving a red Corvair convertible. Mom had a government issue, (She worked for the Victorian Order of Nurses, at the time, and made house visits.), blue, two-door hard-top and I was so proud of the fact that our family had the first rear-engine car produced in North America. How desperately I wanted to be old enough to drive, not that I would have been allowed to use the vehicle, mind you. Still, I could only dream about zipping past the local burger hang-out, The Big Boy, on Portage Avenue, at the foot of Valour Road, near our neighbourhood, Isaac Brock Community Centre, to impreess the Grade 9 girls in my class I secretly lusted after with their pony tails, their tight, fuzzy sweaters, bobby sox and penny loafers! No longer would I be the "nerd" of my home room, (I was elected by my fellow classmates to lay the memorial wreath at the plaque on Valour Road, (renamed from XXX after three soldiers living on the street were awarded the posthumous medal, the Victoria Cross), basically because nobody else really wanted to do it!), one cold, just about to snow, Remembrance Day, but rather either of the dashing young men, (At this point in my fantasy I realy didn't care which one!), from Route 66. My Corvair was not a Corvette but this was Winnipeg, after all, not Santa Monica or Santa Fe, magical names, wonderlands of possibility and excitement.
If the funds are not transferred within the next 24 hours cane toads will start appearing in New West! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Pat,
The show begins tomorrow but i will not attend the reception as i am being feted, by VCC folk, at the Waldorf Hotel's Nuba Restaurant. There was some talk of a real party for me before the trip but i didn't really think much about it. I will try not to wander into the Tiki Bar, next door and embark on a Mai Tai journey into the drink. Of course the choice of the Waldorf is novel and in keeping with the Snobby Bobby trajectory right into retirement. As for the show, i will help hang up pictures tomorrow morning and then volunteer again Saturday morning.
The pictures are spread out through several adjacent spaces. Saturday night Corinne and i are going to the Vogue Theatre for an evening of bracing entertainment – burlesque no less. Maybe as Kjell is a survivor of "Stalker" he should be coming to this instead of putting up with abusively long film shots into Soviet era cinematic void. Sunday evening the show comes down and then i can devote my time to a multitude of things. Start an SFU course in less then two weeks. Continue with Kundalini yoga which i am not a great fan of – back to the hatha style for me please when this course is over.
Corinne and i are making noises about a car camping trip down to the Canyonlands of Utah, in July, as she will be out of school. Anna is off to Quebec today, as part of a student exchange, and will be in Quebec City for 1 1/2 weeks. She is flying without Virginia for the first time.
I will attach a few photos from recent activities.
Take Care! bob
The show begins tomorrow but i will not attend the reception as i am being feted, by VCC folk, at the Waldorf Hotel's Nuba Restaurant. There was some talk of a real party for me before the trip but i didn't really think much about it. I will try not to wander into the Tiki Bar, next door and embark on a Mai Tai journey into the drink. Of course the choice of the Waldorf is novel and in keeping with the Snobby Bobby trajectory right into retirement. As for the show, i will help hang up pictures tomorrow morning and then volunteer again Saturday morning.
The pictures are spread out through several adjacent spaces. Saturday night Corinne and i are going to the Vogue Theatre for an evening of bracing entertainment – burlesque no less. Maybe as Kjell is a survivor of "Stalker" he should be coming to this instead of putting up with abusively long film shots into Soviet era cinematic void. Sunday evening the show comes down and then i can devote my time to a multitude of things. Start an SFU course in less then two weeks. Continue with Kundalini yoga which i am not a great fan of – back to the hatha style for me please when this course is over.
Corinne and i are making noises about a car camping trip down to the Canyonlands of Utah, in July, as she will be out of school. Anna is off to Quebec today, as part of a student exchange, and will be in Quebec City for 1 1/2 weeks. She is flying without Virginia for the first time.
I will attach a few photos from recent activities.
Take Care! bob
Hi Patrick and Corinne:
Sounds like you are having a great time on your holiday,
thanks so much for your invitation to stay, are you sure
its okay, we will be arriving on Friday August 31st at 1303,
so it will be nice to see you at the airport looking forward to
seeing you both.
We really liked the idea of the BBQ and seeing some of Kevins
old friends, also we do have a few other friends we will look
up, should be exciting.
We are arriving in Toronto on August 20th for the first two
weeks to see my family, I haven't been home in 22 years
so it will be quite a reunion its hard to believe we have been
here for 30 years and I have gone home once in that time.
Just checking to ask if its okay to stay the two weeks with
you or are you going away if so we can make some other
arrangements for when you leave. We thank you so much
for your invitation.
I will let you go and enjoy the rest of your holiday and
take care of yourselves. Luv Bev
Hi again, Sarge!
Trust you are well back into the swing of things. Are you playing ball yet? Have Grogg and Lurch arrived yet? Been and gone? Not sure if I mentioned it or not but wanted to rib you about film we saw on our last night in Darwin, Monday, April 30th. We returned to the Deckchair Cinema to have dinner, (Great local spot, Hanuman, caters there and we had a fabulous meal at the restaurant itself, previous Tuesday night, before going to Kakadu.), and watch The Women on the 6th Floor, France, 2011, SUBTITLED, so Cora Lee and I were laughing about the fact that you probably wouldn't have joined us if you'd been there! If the funds are not transferred within the next 24 hours cane toads will start appearing on your patio! Hello to one and all. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Toshi!
Sorry that I've been such a poor correspondent. Thanks again for all your help and time and effort with plannin for our visit. I know you have been dealing with Corinne but I just wanted to thank you myself! All the best to you and your Mother. Love and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Yien and Mike!
Trust you are fine and that trip home went well. Terrific to see everyone. Thanks so much, once again, for all your hospitality. Cora Lee and Kathlee have just driven into Castlemaine to run a few errands. (I have taken this opportunity to use Kathleen's computer as Vodofone connection to my iPad has not be working well today. If at all, only sporadically. Very, very frustrating, let me tell you!) High on the list is to try to pick up Animal Kingdom as we have heard it is an exceptional Australian film. Based on a true story about a Melbourne crime family, I understand.
Hi Choocheranian and Brunello!
Great to hear from you, Carol! You people sound very busy indeed. Please say hello to Sylvaine and pass along our condolences on the death of her Mother. I'll be her friend on Facebook if she wants! Enjoy Puerto Rico! We are toying with doing a month or so in Panama, sometime next January/February as well as a house exchange in Cornwall sometime in July/August/September, exact dates not yet finalized.
Hello Sluggards, Non-Peletonians, Surfer Dudes and Fugitives from Homeland Security!
Foist and foremsot, glad to learn that Jerry isn't langusihing in Guantanamo Bay! Seems, from what you reported, Big Al, that you were too, too busy boozing and brawling to hook up with our friends in Brisbane. Is that the case or did you manage to say hello? Sorry that we were not able to connect ourselves.
Trust you are well back into the swing of things by now, Big Molly. Are you riding with the lycra/lattte crowd yet? If the funds are not transferred within the next 24 hours cane toads will start appearing in Burnaby and on the rear deck of the Inside Passage! Hello and best wishes to one and all. Cheers, Patrizzio/Il Conduttore!
Hello Attack of the Flowers Person!
Trust you are well and churning out both paintings and designer clothes! If the funds are not transferred within the next 24 hours cane toads will start appearing in your garden! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Tiptoe!
Trust you are fine and that move went well. Give me a shout about next Thursday when you have a moment. If the funds are not transferred within the next 24 hours cane toads will start appearing in your bed and it won't be Kevin licking your privates! Cheers, Patrice!
Hi June!
I trust you have heard, or will hear from Chloe, and that you received Sarge's suggestion about the rental car. You might be able to park inside but you'll have to ask Chloe about that. Thanks for bringing the Laphroaig over. Much appreciated indeed! Again, sorry we won't overlap this time around. If the funds are not transferred within the next 24 hours cane toads will start appearing in your London garden! All the best! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Morley!
Trust all is going well in preparation for the High Game Tournament 2012. If the funds are not transferred within the next 24 hours cane toads will start appearing in Arbbutus Club pool! All the best to you and Bad Boy! Cheers, Il Conduttore!
Hi Bev and Kev!
Of course, it is more than fine for you to stay for as long as you like! Two weeks or two months but don't forget about the rice pudding!!! Just to be on the safe side, let me know about the name of the airline and flight number. I find it best to send a message a few days before the actual arrival date as things can change. People even forget to meet planes! As well, once you've had a chance to think about it, let me know the names of friends and I'll contact them beforehand if I can reach them. Or you could give them my email address and ask them to contact me and I can suggest a number of possible times/dates, convenient to as many, and yourselves, as possible. Unfortunatley, there will probably be some who cannot make certain dates, at least in my experience with peoples' busy schedules and the constraints of travelling. All the best to you both! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Sounds like you are having a great time on your holiday,
thanks so much for your invitation to stay, are you sure
its okay, we will be arriving on Friday August 31st at 1303,
so it will be nice to see you at the airport looking forward to
seeing you both.
We really liked the idea of the BBQ and seeing some of Kevins
old friends, also we do have a few other friends we will look
up, should be exciting.
We are arriving in Toronto on August 20th for the first two
weeks to see my family, I haven't been home in 22 years
so it will be quite a reunion its hard to believe we have been
here for 30 years and I have gone home once in that time.
Just checking to ask if its okay to stay the two weeks with
you or are you going away if so we can make some other
arrangements for when you leave. We thank you so much
for your invitation.
I will let you go and enjoy the rest of your holiday and
take care of yourselves. Luv Bev
Hi again, Sarge!
Trust you are well back into the swing of things. Are you playing ball yet? Have Grogg and Lurch arrived yet? Been and gone? Not sure if I mentioned it or not but wanted to rib you about film we saw on our last night in Darwin, Monday, April 30th. We returned to the Deckchair Cinema to have dinner, (Great local spot, Hanuman, caters there and we had a fabulous meal at the restaurant itself, previous Tuesday night, before going to Kakadu.), and watch The Women on the 6th Floor, France, 2011, SUBTITLED, so Cora Lee and I were laughing about the fact that you probably wouldn't have joined us if you'd been there! If the funds are not transferred within the next 24 hours cane toads will start appearing on your patio! Hello to one and all. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Toshi!
Sorry that I've been such a poor correspondent. Thanks again for all your help and time and effort with plannin for our visit. I know you have been dealing with Corinne but I just wanted to thank you myself! All the best to you and your Mother. Love and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Yien and Mike!
Trust you are fine and that trip home went well. Terrific to see everyone. Thanks so much, once again, for all your hospitality. Cora Lee and Kathlee have just driven into Castlemaine to run a few errands. (I have taken this opportunity to use Kathleen's computer as Vodofone connection to my iPad has not be working well today. If at all, only sporadically. Very, very frustrating, let me tell you!) High on the list is to try to pick up Animal Kingdom as we have heard it is an exceptional Australian film. Based on a true story about a Melbourne crime family, I understand.
Hi Choocheranian and Brunello!
Great to hear from you, Carol! You people sound very busy indeed. Please say hello to Sylvaine and pass along our condolences on the death of her Mother. I'll be her friend on Facebook if she wants! Enjoy Puerto Rico! We are toying with doing a month or so in Panama, sometime next January/February as well as a house exchange in Cornwall sometime in July/August/September, exact dates not yet finalized.
Hello Sluggards, Non-Peletonians, Surfer Dudes and Fugitives from Homeland Security!
Foist and foremsot, glad to learn that Jerry isn't langusihing in Guantanamo Bay! Seems, from what you reported, Big Al, that you were too, too busy boozing and brawling to hook up with our friends in Brisbane. Is that the case or did you manage to say hello? Sorry that we were not able to connect ourselves.
Trust you are well back into the swing of things by now, Big Molly. Are you riding with the lycra/lattte crowd yet? If the funds are not transferred within the next 24 hours cane toads will start appearing in Burnaby and on the rear deck of the Inside Passage! Hello and best wishes to one and all. Cheers, Patrizzio/Il Conduttore!
Hello Attack of the Flowers Person!
Trust you are well and churning out both paintings and designer clothes! If the funds are not transferred within the next 24 hours cane toads will start appearing in your garden! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Tiptoe!
Trust you are fine and that move went well. Give me a shout about next Thursday when you have a moment. If the funds are not transferred within the next 24 hours cane toads will start appearing in your bed and it won't be Kevin licking your privates! Cheers, Patrice!
Hi June!
I trust you have heard, or will hear from Chloe, and that you received Sarge's suggestion about the rental car. You might be able to park inside but you'll have to ask Chloe about that. Thanks for bringing the Laphroaig over. Much appreciated indeed! Again, sorry we won't overlap this time around. If the funds are not transferred within the next 24 hours cane toads will start appearing in your London garden! All the best! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Morley!
Trust all is going well in preparation for the High Game Tournament 2012. If the funds are not transferred within the next 24 hours cane toads will start appearing in Arbbutus Club pool! All the best to you and Bad Boy! Cheers, Il Conduttore!
Hi Bev and Kev!
Of course, it is more than fine for you to stay for as long as you like! Two weeks or two months but don't forget about the rice pudding!!! Just to be on the safe side, let me know about the name of the airline and flight number. I find it best to send a message a few days before the actual arrival date as things can change. People even forget to meet planes! As well, once you've had a chance to think about it, let me know the names of friends and I'll contact them beforehand if I can reach them. Or you could give them my email address and ask them to contact me and I can suggest a number of possible times/dates, convenient to as many, and yourselves, as possible. Unfortunatley, there will probably be some who cannot make certain dates, at least in my experience with peoples' busy schedules and the constraints of travelling. All the best to you both! Cheers, Patrizzio!
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