Monday, 11 June 2012

Friday, April 13th, Day 33

A word in a dictionary is very much like a car in a mammoth motorshow -- full of potential, but temporarily inactive. -Anthony Burgess, author (1917-1993)

Hi Whirlygig!

Thanks for the useful lexicon! As you can see, I have already started to put it to good use. Can hardly wait to use jabble and bufflehead. Won't be long with The Sisterhood around!!! Truly wish you and Robo Ray, (only the stalwarts of the Peleton!), were along today as we had more than a terrific ride. (See below). Yesterday, when on the City Cat, going for a bit of a river cruise on public transport, sat next to a chap from Whiterock! He must have heard something I said to Sarge as he asked me if I was from Vaancouver. He is the bass player for the four piece rock band on the cruise ship currently in dock near last stop on CC run. He has been doing the gig for ten years so obviously likes the life. At any rate after he got off to return to the ship, it was to sail for Sydney at 6:00pm or 7:00pm, CC crossed over to the south bank, to Apollo Road stop, and as we moved past the huge ship I noticed the gigantic LED TV screen, on one of the upper decks, the type which Big Molly has installed, here, before. As of last email, he wasn't sure if he would be coming. He was scheduled to fly in on April 14th but due to red tape, trip was on hold so we will probably not overlap as we leave tomorrow, for Cairns, around 1:00pm. At any rate, seeing screen prompted me to ask Greg if I could pass along his phone number to Al as if he has time and their various schedules allow, (even before we took the ride I describe below), as I knew he would enjoy meeting Claire and Greg, akin to Christine and Jim Brownlee, although Greg is much more of a full-on extrovert live-wire, (hot-wired, is, perhaps, a more apt description, a real pistol), without taking anything away from Jim's sunny personality, mind you.

Still working on Skype so could you send along user name, etc., for whchever user/machine might be in use at NRBC. Time/day difference should give me an opportunity to get my system up and running before we go LIVE, as well as getting in ample supplies of wapatuli! Hello and Fondestos to your own personal Sisterhood. Greetings from The Gang of Four! Cheers, Il Conduttore!

Friday, April 14th:

Up at 5:30am, awakened by my alarm, as we had agreed, night before, that we would go for a ride, leaving the house at 6:00am. Put on two pairs of my Swiss Cheese, biking undershorts, (so-called due to the considerable number of rents/holes in the fabric, (age and friction having taken their toll), which expose my rather shapely posterior, when not otherwise encased in Lycra or some such svelte making material, and which cause The Sisterhood to wail and shudder, so that they sound like women keening over the closure of their favourite shoe store), packed, with much forethought and premeditation, specifically for such an outing. Once suited up I tip-toed out of the bedroom, leaving Cora Lee with a pillow clamped over her head, annoyed that her sleep had been disturbed, to have a quick cup of java and a bowl of yogurt with a banana.

Rest of gang had a similar breakfast and were suited up as well. Greg had changed the pedals from clips to flats on one of his bikes, to accommodate my Crocs. Flamin' and Sarge were able to use sneakers on the clip pedals so we were all set to leave at 5;55am. It is an understatement to say that Claire and Greg have wonderful bikes, Avantis: Cadent 3, Grog, $6,500 two years ago; Cadent 2, Claire, $4,500 two years ago. Sarge rode Claire's bike while Flamin and I inherited their castoffs: Flamin' rode a Specialized Cirrus $1,600, butt welded aluminum, five months ago and I was saddled with a nag, a Hybrid Avanti Blade 8 $1,100 chrome/molybdenum, seven years ago. To say that they were a dream to ride is another, significant understatement. Like riding a feather duster compared to our leaden steeds back home.

At any rate, we followed Greg to the end of his street and remained on a surface road for a bit, very, very little traffic at this time of the morning, past Norman Park and then Wilson Park where we made it on to a bike path, running along Norman Creek, quite a shallow waterway which often contains bull sharks, Greg informed us! On to more surface roads/sidewalks, demarcated for bikes/pedestrians, along Norman Avenue, through Mowbray Park and then around Kangaroo Point, under the Story Bridge, a quasi-mini composite version of the Sydney Harbour Bridge and the Lions Gate to a dedicated bike lane along the South Bank of the Brisbane River. Much like our Seawall, with different vegetation, of course, but filled with many, many cyclists, from peletons to pairs, most all kitted out in full Lycra and riding expensive bikes.

Rode past most of the City Cat stops we had seen the day before, to the end of South Bank, along more surface roads, quite a bit like West Van past Ambleside, to the West End, encountering a Farmer's Market, much like one at Trout Lake, at the back of the Rowing Sheds where the Eights, belonging to what would be called "public" schools in England, "private" schools here, used on the river, are stored. Continued along until we reached Hill End Terrace and then we turned around to retrace our previous route, crossing over the river on the Goodwill Bridge to ride through the mangroves growing on Gardens Point, then into Brisbane City Botanical Gardens themselves, to give Flamin' a bit of a scenic tour as she had not been with us the day before when we'd strolled over much of the route. 

Making a loop through the Gardens we crossed back over the Goodwill Bridge and I noted a coffee kiosk on a part of the bridge built to accommodate such a kiosk as well as number of benches. A dream come true for all the Peleton Latte Lovers! Once on the South Bank we headed downriver towards Streets Beach to meet Cora Lee and Claire for coffee at Steam, a great outdoor cafe, adjacent to the pool. We ordered our tea and java and were enjoying the morning sunshine, it was now 8:00am and in the low 20's C already, when The Goils arrived. They placed their orders and we chatted, amiably, until about 8:30am when we set off for the return ride home, they for a short stroll through a tiny tropical forest and Nepalese Pagoda, on the other side of the pool, legacies from the 1988 World Fair, Expo '88, a version of our Expo '86 I gather.

Once more over Goodwill Bridge and through the mangroves, (There is actually a walkway, a raised boardwalk, parallel to and below the cycle path but we declined to use it as we would have had to get off, clamber down a set of reasonably steep steps and walk our bikes once on the boardwalk. Greg chortled when I said "We spit on mangroves!"), to cycle through part of the Botanical Gardens, taking an exit which put us on the North Bank where we cycled over the same Boardwalk we had walked along before and after lunch the day before. Following this route, downstream, all the way to Ivory Street, (I climbed it in 1:1 as it was very, very steep, 18% I reckon, based on signs posted on road up to Arthur's Seat on the Mornington Peninsula, fortunately only a couple of hundred metres in length), although I rode it sitting down, all the rest standing up, Dear Reader!

From there onto the bridge deck of the Story Bridge, stopping to snap a few shots of the city. Cycling/Pedestrian Way is about the same size as one on Lions Gate so very comfortable and just a slight camber so an effortless crossing. Once off the bridge proper we circled under it again to retrace our way back home, pulling into the driveway at a little past 9:00am, with 29.33K on Greg's odometre!!! One of the most enjoyable rides, in spite of stopping for coffee and having to touch the ground three other times at various busy intersections, of the trip. What a wonderful way to see so much of this very attractive city. Brisbane must be commended for making the river banks so accessible and bicycle/jogger/walker friendly. All the surfaces, bar none, we rode upon were excellent so city has done an excellent job of paving/surfacing the network to date. However, Greg told us that the main drawback is that there is no overall, interconnecting, city-wide system. More or less expanded footpaths in the surrounding neighbourhoods and suburbs. Still, from our point of view, a ride not to be missed. As well, if one should not be as fortunate as we were to have the loan of such high end machines, there are numerous pay-as-you-go stations scattered around the CBD and on both the North and South Banks where one can very easily rent bicycles at CityCycle:

In to shower and have a bite to eat,(I made myself a toasted tomatoe and cheese sandwich), and we sat outside to chat and read, some thier books, others the morning papers. We had planned a picnic at a nearbye beach where G/C and F/S were going to kayak, (C/G have four kayaks), but on and off downpours, monsoon-like for short periods of deluge, put the kibosh on more outdoor activity. We ended up sitting around and visiting, doing a bit of packing and reading/answering email before a delicious lunch of cold meat and overlefts from last two evening's meals. Having had such an exhilarating ride I was just as happy to try and catch up on my Infernal Diary entries. 

The Sisterhood had made an appointment for manicures/pedicures at 2:00pm so they left The Brotherhood to their own devices at around 1:30pm. Sarge and Greg are mucking about with Sarge's iPad on the deck while I beaver away inside, their conversation drifting to me through the open window. The rain has stopped and it seems to be clearing to the east, the sun is now shining and it is about 24 C, although the sky, to the west is filled with dark clouds.

To be continued...

Claire de La Lune!

Hi Bob!

Glad that the illegible card arrived. Please find a "Rosetta Stone" attached! Sorry, no nutshells available so we'll have to arrange a de-briefing session when back. I guess Kjell is back in Sweden now, or at least shortly. I believe I've seen "Stalker", or at least snippets of it. Quite a bizarre flick if I have the same film in mind. Enjoy you weekend in Seattle and say hello to Corinne for us. Have so much to do, Netwise, and such limited access/composing time, what with hectic pace of life, I'll have to try and catch up on your postings when back from Darwin when we will be in Bendigo, for a week or so, decompressing before Japan! Greetings from The Gang of Four! Cheers, Il Conduttore!

Hello Lads!

Trust everyone is well. As I mentioned to Whirlygig, in an earlier email, still working on Skype so could any responsible parties send along user name, etc., for whchever user/machine might be in use at NRBC. Time/day difference should give me an opportunity to get my system up and running before we go LIVE, as well as getting in ample supplies of wapatuli! (See Whirlissimo for translation!) Greetings from The Gang of Four! Cheers, Il Conduttore!

Hi Stormin'!

Trust your sample sale went well. Would certainly have dropped by if we weren't in the Southern Hemisphere! Have so much to do, Netwise, and such limited access/composing time, what with hectic pace of life on the road, I can barely keep up with email and drink wine at the same tiime!Hello to your Babes! Cheers, Il Conduttore!

Hi Jean and John and Benson!

Finally had a chance to view Mountain Gorilla video. Quite a sight! Have so much to do, Netwise, and such limited access/composing time, what with hectic pace of life on the road, I can barely keep up with email and drink wine at the same tiime! Trust all goes well in Cadboro Bay. Fondestos from The Gang of Four! Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi Morley!

Finally had a chance to reply to your message. Have so much to do, Netwise, and such limited access/composing time, what with hectic pace of life on the road, I can barely keep up with email and drink wine at the same tiime! Trust all goes well with coming tourney. Cheers, Il Conduttore!

Hi Toshi!

Have finally had a chance to reply to your detailed email. I know Corinne has replied already but I wanted to thank you for all your effort and suggestions. If there is time, I would be interested in visitng a Sake factory but it is probably not as important, as high on the list, as some of the temples, museums, etc. Nevertheless, as I've said, It would be fun if such a visit/tour could be arranged.

I do apologize for not replying sooner but have had so much to do, Netwise, and such limited access/composing time, what with hectic pace of life on the road, I can barely keep up with email and drink wine at the same tiime! Trust all goes well with you and your Mother. Fondestos to you both! Will continue to be in touch. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi Tiptoe!

I do apologize for not replying sooner but have had so much to do, Netwise, and such limited access/composing time, what with hectic pace of life on the road, I can barely keep up with email and drink wine at the same tiime! Trust all goes well with you and Kevin. Fondestos to you both! Will continue to be in touch. Cheers, Patrice!

Hi Chrissy!

Have finally had a chance to reply to your email to Sarge. I would have replied sooner but I didn't have your email address. No excuses but plenty of reasons! I wanted to thank you for your remarkable generosity and friendship. I do apologize for not replying sooner but have had so much to do, Netwise, and such limited access/composing time, what with hectic pace of life on the road, I can barely keep up with email and drink wine at the same tiime! Trust all goes well with you and your family. Fondestos to you from The Gang of Four. Do keep in touch as we'd love to see you in Vancouver. I plan to send along some photos once I manage to organize downloads, etc. Cheers, Patrizzio!

PS: We are saving the Nirvana for tonight!!!

Hi Derek and Gayle!

Lovely to hear from you! Glad Krissy and Mark were assigned a location they wanted! Go Pig on the Street!!! Unfortunately, Krissy must have worn Chloe out on their "girly thing" as she said she has had a flu bug for last three days. In answer to your question, Yes, I am missing riding regularly but had a tremendous outing this morning. (See below) I do apologize for not replying to your message sooner but have had so much to do, Netwise, and such limited access/composing time, what with hectic pace of life on the road, I can barely keep up with email and drink wine at the same time! (Sarge just handed me a full glass of Audrey Wilkinson, Hunter Valley, (with fruit from Marlborough, NZ, as well), 2011 Semillon Sauvignon Blanc, 12.0%) Fondestos to you and Gayle from The Gang of Four. (I do hope to send along some photos once I manage to organize downloads, etc.) Cheers, Patrizzio!

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