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Flinders Station |
Trust all is well in the Northern Hemisphere! Have been having a blast everywhere. Left Melbourne this past Monday for a few days near Bendigo, then on to Adelaide on Thursday morning. An excerpt from The Down Under Diaries: Melbourne/Harcourt North:
We stayed at the Marriott, corner of Exhibition and Lonsdale. Bit further away than North Van! Lazy sleep-in until just after 8:00am when Flamin'/Sarge and I went to gym. They worked out on the stair masters and I enjoyed a quick hot tub while the sauna warmed up. Once temperature was fine I did my stretches and crunches and was in the shower next door just as Sarge was finishing his workout. Back up to the room to pack and when everyone else had finished their packing we all went downstairs to go for breakfast. We knew that Trunk, almost immediately next door, served breakfast and since we had enjoyed such a delicious meal there the night before we decided to eat there. Breakfast is served in a small cafe, just beside the building housing the main dining room, open to the elements so it was very plesant as the day was bright and sunny and heading for 27C. I had a delicious order of quesidillas filled with tomatoe, potatoe and chorizo , with a side order of avocadoe. Cappuccino and I was set for day. Back to hotel to finish last minute packing and then we took all our bags down to the lobby to leave with the Concierge as we had to check-out by 11:00am and couldn't pick car up until noon.
Sarge and I walked a few blocks to Europcar while The Sisterhood went to Woolies to buy a small collapsible eski. No trouble with car adn we even managed an upgrade from what we had booked to an SUV type, Australian only model, (I think), something like a Toyota equivalent, not sure of name, which is very roomy and comfortable. The Sisterhood were in 7th Heaven. Loaded up back at hotel and following directions provided by Concierge we had little trouble making our way out of centre of city.
Stopped at a shop, Elk, as it was en route to Bendigo, that Chloe had heard about on the Web and had asked if Cora Lee could pick up a bracelet she fancied. She assumed it would be somewhere downtown but was in a northern suburb called Preston. At any rate, had little diffiuclty finding store. Great place with wonderful designs: jewellry, clothing, purses, footwear, so The Sisterhood was in Nirvana! Trouble getting them back into car but once that feat was accomplished we had no trouble zipping along Calder Highway, extremely good freeway, and were soon in Bendigo itself.
We made straight for the Bendigo Art Gallery, a lovely heritage building, where the Goils wanted to take in the Grace Kelly Exhibition which they had read about in Melbourne papers. We'd been to gallery befoer so had a rough idea where it was and after one wrong turn we found a parking space on street a few steps from entrance. Sarge was not interested in exhibition, (He claimed he'd seen enough womens' clothes day before!), so I told him about the historical mining shaft/superstructure behind the gallery, (Bendigo was part of Australian Gold Rush), which one can climb to the top where there is a viewing platform and therebye obtain quite a stunning view of city and surrounding countryside. Extremely lush, green as all getout, given all the rain this year! Last time we were here in 2006 country was on fire with severe water rationing most everywhere!
Exhibit was fascinating, mainly her designer gowns, accessories and some remarkable pieces of the "crown" jewels. Perhaps most interesting was the half hour or so, montage, of film footage, both from her movies but also fron newsreels of the time, (I simply adore those black and white, Pathe/News of trhe World newsreels that I used to see before films in Cyprus. Similar to the clips in the Hartlepool historical Utube video.), covering marriage, family life and then later TV interviews from the '60's and'70's. Just the slightest of glimpses into her personal and private life but she comes across as a very, very strong, intelligent, sensible, caring, articulate individual, the complete, the diametrical opposite of the sort of "star" we have come to know in today's over-hyped, frenetic, media voracious environment. Of course, times were simpler, or at least seem so in retrospect, but Grace Keely was refreshingly "simple and ordinary" in much of her daily and society life. For example, she wore many of her designer outfits many times, on different occasions, and knit many of her baby clothes. Unpretentious and caring, she championed many charities and used her fame and position to help others.
Took about two hours to view everything and then we all met back at the car. While waiitng for Sarge and Flamin', (They had gone for a drink at a bar a few blocks away.), Cora Lee discovered the Wine Bank, a terrific cafe/wine store in a renovated bank building, Greek pillars and all across the street form our car. She had already been in for a bottle of chilled 2011 Prosecco, King Valley, (A region north of here I'd first visited with Steve in 2006. Flamin' "insists" on drinking this after their recent junket to Italy!), by the time I found her sitting on a door stoop, patiently waiting for us. I popped over to take a look as F/S were nowhere in sight and was delighted at the incredible array of local product. Picked up and Axedale Reef, 2008 Pinot Grigio, again from King Valley, 12.7%, and a Waterwheel, Bendigo, Petit Verdot, 15.5%, so pleased muchly as this is one of my favourite varietals and not overly availabe as a single varietal, ususally in a blend.
Back to car and chauffeur and his moll arrived a few minutes later and we made for Harcourt North. Remebered all the turnoffs from highwya nd we were soon on Franklins Road and pulled into Old Oak at about 5:30pm. Steve and Kathllen were still at work but had left the housekey in the mailbox. We unlaoded and did a bit of unpacking and then Flamin'/Cora Lee adn Sarge changed into bathers and jumped into the new hot tub on the new deck, (new since our last visit in 2006), while I was charged with refilling sparkling wine glasses and muling beer bottles! Initailly, Sarge was so dismayed not to find any beer in the fridge in the kitchen that he contemplated driving into Castlemaine, 14K round trip, to pick some up. I told him that if Steve didn't have any beer then things were terribly "crook" as I knew he had to have a stash somewhere. I found two six packs in the half-fridge in the "shed", (combination workshop, storage area), at the top of the driveway, so he was saved a trip!
Kathleen arrived to find the Sybarites in the hot tub and she brought out hors d'oeuvres after she'd greeted everyone. Steve turned up a few minutes later and we visited in different groups until just before dinner. Sarge did a fabulous job on the "barbie" with some wonderful steaks and we repaired inside, to escape "mossies", and sat down to a delicious meal of mashjed potatoes, wild mushrooms, (picked the day before), and a large green salad, (avocadoe, tomatoe, green beans and lettuce, home grown. Petit Verdot was a stunner as was the Morris, Rutherglen, 2008 Durif, (one of my favourite varietals and favourite wineries ever since first visit in '91), but an anaemic 14.5%, compared to the PV! Needled Steve about this, of course! Dessert was Kathleen's home-baked apple/hazelnut torte topped with mango/passion fruit ice cream. Lads had a few snorts of Aberlour while we chatted until it was time for bed. I managed to read the first few chapters of Peter Temple's Truth, the sequel to his The Broken Shore, which our book club read a few books ago. Steve and I had been reading his Jack Irish series back in 2006 so he had the latest works on his shelves. I'll probably return the ones i borrow when we see then in Hunter Valley on the Easter weekend.
Up at 7:00am the next morning, wind blowing like crazy, whipping trees and bushes like feathers! Quiet an hour later with just a few snatches of birdsong. Weather was forecast to be "foul" according to Katheen, last night, but wonder if fierce wind has blown nasty weather away. Hope so as we plan a day of wine tasting in surounding viticulture regions. Way Steve has it planned we will probably do about five, two or three from different appellations so looking forward to comparing product. Hope to be back in time for a quick ride on the bike I bought in 2006. Lovely to cycle the country roads hereabouts as landscapes are beautiful, rolling hills, orchards and small vineyards abound.
Dove to Adelaide on Thursday morning to stay with Tina and Trevor. Yesterday,Teens dropped me off at Tea Tree Gully Waterworld on her way to pick up Jade, her youngest granddaughter. I started swimming at a few minutes after 9:00am and finished up just before 1:00pm. I had taken along Flamin's cell and Trevor had a missed call. He thought it was me ringing for a ride, as pre-arranged. He came to pool as I was finishing up my 4 miles/6.5K. Very pleased with distance as it is longest swim since being away. Felt like the Millionaires as I was literally the only one in the pool after a few other swimmers left around 10:00am. Had my own personal lifeguard! It rained quite heavily on way to pool but by the time I was changed it had stopped. Still, extremely heavy overcast, few breaks of sunshine, and then back to fairly brisk wind with low cloud cover. Temperature ranged between 16C and 19C, according to large digital clock on a pole near pool, giving time/temperature.
Off to Barossa, (but 45 minutes from their place), for a day of wine-tasting today and then back for dinner. Teens is a fabulous cook! Then to Clare Valley, about an hour north of Barossa, for two nights. Then back to Adelaide to celebrate Trevor's 65th and then to McClaren Vale, about two hours south, for two nights before heading back towards Melbourne and Mornington Peninsula. Life On the Road is very difficult, so many wineries, so little time, so little money!!!
All the best from The Travelling Road Show Performers, Flamin' and Sarge and Cora Lee to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Sisters!
I'll try to take a video with my camera, in order to do justice to the Pink Room!
Teens dropped me off at Tea Tree Gully Waterworld on her way to pick up Jade. I started swimming at a few minutes after 9:00am and finished up just before 1:00pm. I had taken along Flamin's cell and Trevor had a missed call. He thought it was me ringing for a ride, as pre-arranged. He came to pool as I was finishing up my just 4 miles/6.5K. Very pleased with distance as it is longest swim since being away. Felt like the Millionaires as I was literally the only one in the pool after a few other swimmers left around 10:00am. Had my own personal lifeguard. It rained quite heavily on way to pool but by the time I was changed it had stopped. Still, extremely heavy overcast, few breaks of sunshine, and then back to fairly brisk wind with low cloud cover. Temperature ranged between 16C and 19C, according to large digital clock on a pole near pool, giving time/temperature. Teens is ready to leave so will say goodbye for now. She sends her hellos and best wishes to you both. Love and Cheers, Dad!
Hi D,
Sounds like you are all having a great time, be nice to Michelle though, remember this is her vacation too!!!!
Mags and I are well, saw Grames she is fine, but no sign of Dodi.
G and G had Karen and Bill for dinner, so stopped in to say hi, they are well, but Karen is still shaking quite badly.
Meant to respond to you about Matt and Zoe, they stopped in to the Brewery 2 weeks ago and I just mentioned if I was to go away would they be into staying and watching Mags, so funny you heard about it!!!!
Off to bed, have to be up early for the gym and work then am watching Emma as Brian and Katie have dinner plans.
Love you, give my love to Nana and the rest of crew!!!xxxx Chloe
maggie and I will fly first class to deliver the gift!!!!
yes please picture of you with my little ponies!!!!
Yes please video of you in the pink room, maybe a little sarge in his surge!!!! as well xxxx
Hi Daniel!
Trust all is well with you. Have been having a blast everywhere, ever since leaving Hong Kong. I apologize for not sending a message sooner but can't seem to find the time to spend as much time as I'd like on The Infernal, (according to my grumpy travelling companions!), Diaries as I'd like!
Hi Sandra et al!
Trust all is well with everyone and VIWF. Seems difficult for me to connect to order tickets for A Dram Come True on June 1st, day after we return. Not sure of number of tickets I'll need, (Four as of this writing but perhaps more once I've contacted other friends.), so I might ask Chloe to pop by with a credit card number if I can't order online. Hope this alternative will be fine. All the best from The Travelling Road Show Performers, Flamin' and Sarge and Cora Lee to you and the rest of the hard-working, selfless, self-effacing, dedicated , always cheerful, in spite of working their nimble fingers to the bone, VIWF staff! Cheers, Patrizzio!
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